Author Archives: andrew

Change your username, but only once.

We often get requests from users that want to change their username as they were not aware that it would be part of their 33mail email addresses when they originally signed up. To accommodate these users we have added a section to the Account Info page where you can change your username. You can only change your username once and when it is changed it is irreversible and any mails sent to your old username will NOT be forwarded onto you.




Anonymously reply to 33mail emails

We are happy to announce that we have just deployed anonymous reply as a Beta feature for all users.

When you’ve enabled anonymous replies on your account, you will be able to reply to the sender of emails without revealing your real email address to them.









As a lite user you will be limited to a single anonymous reply for evaluation purposes. Premium and Pro users have a daily limit. To enable anonymous reply just login to your dashboard and go to Account Details. You will then see the Reply Settings section where you can enable Anonymous Reply and set a reply name which will be shown to anyone you reply to.

We would love to hear any feedback you have on this feature along with any problems or praise.

If you are not currently a user then sign up for 33mail here. a new shorter domain for the lazy among us

We have invested in a new domain for 33mail users to play with namely You can now create your 33mail addresses @<username> which will save you from typing 4 characters every time you use a 33mail address (unless, that is, you use the 33mail bookmarklet or the 33mail chrome extension). That’s a massive 40% saving for your fingertips, and will surely add to your keyboards longevity.

Cue the landrush for one and 2 character usernames, I assure you there are some still available.

Introducing the 33mail Chrome Extension

We have just released the initial version of the 33Mail Chrome extension here.

The main purpose of this extension is to make creating a 33mail alias as simple as possible. Whenever you visit a site and the extension detects an email address signup field it will automatically fill in an appropriate 33mail alias saving you the trouble of doing all that typing. You can also choose to have it not auto-fill the email address fields and rather only fill it when you click on the handy button in your browser bar.

We already find the extension very useful and hope that our users do too. We would love to hear your feedback and feature requests for the extension so leave a comment here or on the extension page here.

The dashboard gets a much needed revamp

We have just deployed a new dashboard home page is now live with what we hope is a clearer explanation of how to use 33mail along with some css3 rounded corner goodness (note that Internet Explorer users will be stuck with square corners until Microsoft gets its act together).


We hope to deploy further widgets to the dashboard page in future to give at a glance useful information such as bandwidth usage and most used aliases. Any feedback on the new layout, good or bad would be much appreciated.

33Mail gets a Blog !!

Finally I have gotten around to setting up the 33mail blog. The main purpose of which will be to inform users of new features and to keep everyone informed about the 33mail service in general. I will of course also use it to rant about various things that come into my head once in a while.